Its a jungle out there

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Feeling cheated

Is it only me but does everyone else always feel cheated anytime they take their car to the shop. It just seems like everytime I need to fix something in my car I come back with more problems. Today was just one of those days for me. Also doesn't it feel like most of these "professionals" never seem to know what the hell is wrong with your car or in another case my teeth (the dentist had no clue why I was having so much pain or at least he didn't do a good job at explaining it to me because by the time I left that dentists office I almost felt worse than I did before I went there) these are the reasons why I like to live in ignorance my motto used to be "what you don't know wont kill you" but I find that nowadays the quest for knowledge or the availability of it is more of a curse as opposed to a gift cos because you know all the things that shouldn't do or eat it makes one more paranoid (at least it makes me). So I'm sitting here typing away a lil bit frustrated because my teeth hurt like mad and in essence the damn thing is ruling my life literarilly and my car is giving me minor problems but I'm not going to let it bring me down.
on a lighter note though I went to see an open mic show ( by the way I've always wanted to go see one of these but never got a chance ) after almost 6 yrs in this country but hey you know what they say.... Better late than never. It wasn't bad at all and it just made me remember one of my dream things to do/business ideas (really hope this dream can come true) but you all have to wait and see hopefully it would........

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Virgin Blogger

ok so I have been reading a lot of peoples blogs and I think this thing (blogging) is actually really interesting so I thot why not try doing it so here I am in the middle of the night trying to post something . Being that i live alone i get to talk to myself more often than not and this seems like a way that i could interact with people or at least tell someone else what i noticed on any day or what i'm feeling or perhaps ask a question (this is all based on the assumption that someone will actually take the time out to read this ........ lets give hope some credit) I've always thot of myself as a "good enough" writer (at least i got a's in my english and humanities papers in undergrad ........if thats anything to judge by) but I get really lazy and I have always been fascinated by good writing so I want to use this medium as a way of trying to hone my writing skills ( who am I kidding) . So here's to hoping that I wont be bored by this thing by tomorrow ..... Did I forget to tell you that I have a really short attention span?...........