Its a jungle out there

Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Why is a lagos such a stupid place?

Why would the government wait till its 5pm which is SUPER!!!!!!!! RUSH Hour to start tarring the roads therefore adding to the traffic congestion that is already known to happen at that time in our dear Lagos State?

why dont we just understand how to run basic things ......... as in common now......... its not rocket science. what happened to fixing the road between the hours of 11am and 3pm when there is little or no traffic and why cant the people in charge make sure that they carry out such projects at that time(i mean you are just pouring tar on the damn road its not like you are reconstructing it or something)

Sometimes I just wonder if we have brains and blood running through our veins

Why is the governement always thinking of up grading old structures what happened to building new ones........ the BRT lane, Lekki Express way expansion............ what happened to building a bridge over the existing road and adding a light rail system to the damn road...... we all know that most of us that already drive are not going to leave our cars and join the BRT buses so that means that we are just adding more cars to the existing cars on the roads instead of trying to reduce the amount of vehicles plying lagos roads by creating alternatives.

For Gods Sake Ikorodu road is already congested as it is and now you guys are reducing the 3 lanes that were not enough before??????????......... come on.

Speaking of Ikorodu Road my dad says that he has never seen any street light work on that road since he moved back to nigeria in 1979 ( thats almost 30 years ago by the way) and i personally do not remember ever seeing streetlights on ikorodu road for as long as i can remember.

while i'm on the topic of streetlights why can we not find a solution to lighting our streets and environment??

why dont we care about how whatever we are doing is going to impact the next person either positively or negatively?

and if we do think why dont we always take the positive impact route?

When are we going to ever learn

Are we going to ever learn or do i have to start looking for an alternative place to live???????

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Monday, July 30, 2007

The Jero Plays and other rants

i went to see a play yesterday and it was really cool. it was this book we read in secondary school called The Trials of Brother jero and Jero's metarmorphosis ( not sure if this is the correct spelling but at least i tried) by Wole Soyinka. The cast was absolutely amazing and very good. i'm glad i went and i hope to see more plays like this in the future. its just something else to do apart from the regular dinner and a movie i would recommend it to any art enthusiast.

the last time i blogged was well over a year ago and i remember saying something about me being lazy and having a short attention span and therefore not keeping up with the blog........ well i guess i know myself very well cos here i am a year after. a lot has happened in my life tho in the past year......... moved back to nigeria, about to finish NYSC, about to embark on a totally new phase of my life ( i call it being born - again ( not in the religious sense tho) ), quite apprehensive and excited about what lies ahead of me but definitely ready to get on with it.

lets see if i would come back again before 2008

keep hope alive!!!!!!

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