Its a jungle out there

Friday, August 10, 2007

BBA Again

the Nigerian Girl in this show is so DRY!!!!!!!!!!

Who picked her and why didnt they think of picking someone more interesting.

In my opinion she is not a true representation of Naija Jo

BBA & Root Canals


Yo!! this shit is funny i've never seen where a bunch of grown ass men and women will make a fool of themselves for money but then again what else can be anybodys motivation...... it always is money. i never really watched this show before even in the states i actually dont think it was big in the states cos i'm a certified t.v whore and i dont remember ever watching it but i must admit this shit is pretty interesting. i mean put a bunch of people from different countries and back grounds together and you just start to see how very similar we all are..... i mean i feel like i have met someone with each of the housemates personalities before in my life or in nigeria. its really iinteresting

whats your motivation???

on another note i am finally doing my root canal( btw this is long over due) if you remenber i spoke about in my first or second post this was about a year ago that i had the worst tooth ache in the world. well i filled the cavity in the damn tooth sometime last year but apparently the infection wasnt totally cleared ( yeah i had an infection therefore the pain) so almost exactly a year after the pain started again i swear i was almost in tears cos i never thot that the day will come that i will experience the pain again..... trust me it is not cute i actually hear that its second only to child birth ( i really wonder how that is cos this pain is EXCRUCIATING!!!!!!!! trust me). Anyways i'm going to complete my root canal tomorrow and on a side note Root Canals are actually not as painful as people make it seem infact they are not painful at all apart from some tenderness and soreness around the tooth you should be fine and believe me when i say this it took me literarilly my whole life to summon up the courage to go to a dentist and all that. i just hope that this finally solves all my problems

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

God Help Me

Isnt it ironic that you dont get what you want when you want it ?

I just made a decision in my life that is good for me from some point of view but bad for me from another. i'm being complacent about it and just hoping and praying that things work out fine

God help me

all my life i've always been the good child. i hardly ever did anything to embarrass my parents ( my brothers on the other hand.........well thats another story for another day) and my dad is SUPER proud of me in everything ( he is the greatest by the way)......... so why do i have the feeling all of a sudden that i'm about to break that good streak. i feel like i'm about to do something that will really change how a lot of people feel about me

God help me

I'm kinda stuck in a rut. in this rut i dont feel good about the two options that i have. why cant there just be option three. i'm not really excited about both options that are available to me right now. any way i look at it i'm going to lose out. i'm going to lose a bit of myself........ maybe i'm just being selfish

why is being selfish such a bad thing

whatever decision i make is going to change my life. i mean really change my life........ you know when they say life altering changes.... yeah that

i've never really understood the meaning of being " stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea" until now

God help me

on a lighter note i've been reading a lot of blogs lately and i must say there a lot of pretty interesting blogs out there. very funny ones too
